Literary devices commonly used in Paper 1B -Listening comprehension

This paper consists of FOUR questions. You will be given 5 minutes to read through the questions in this paper. The examiner will then read to you an extract from a piece of communication. You will be given 20 minutes to respond in writing to the questions. The extract will be read twice. You will be allowed to make notes while you listen to the extract.

Write down these questions on Havana & proceed to the clip:
1. State the MAIN idea of the extract in ONE sentence of no more than 20 words. (3 marks)

2. Identify FOUR details about Havana which support the claim that 'the years have taken toll on its architectural riches'. (4 marks)

3a. Identify TWO literary devices used in this extract. (2 marks)

3b. Give ONE example of EACH literary device you have identified in 3a. (2 marks)

4. State FOUR details of the physical setting presented in this extract. (4 marks)

The two widely differing elements are contrasted using a common value to convey further information about one or both elements. The differences between them often intensify either their positive or negative qualities. They frequently will be opposites. For example the warmth of the Caribbean with the cold winter of the United States (comparison point temperature). Contrasts also can be metaphorical.

Irony is the contrast between what is expected or what appears to be and what actually is. For example, ‘A clumsy ballet dancer.’
Verbal Irony (sarcasm is the tone of voice/writing)
The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. For example, He did an excellent job of making a mess.
Irony of Situation
This refers to a happening that is the opposite of what is expected or intended. For Example: The wedding of a son causes a marital breakdown for the parents.

Compares by stating the element is the item of comparison e.g. The lawyer’s claws were out and he would not stop until they drew blood,
Extends a metaphor to compare a situation or particularly to explain a complex item by using a familiar item to structure the explanation. E.g. Exam preparation is like baking a cake all the ingredients must be used and preparations thorough before baking. Firstly the ingredients: study which is lightened with periods of recreation, physical health, managing stress. (The analogy would continue for several paragraphs even)

Compares two unlike objects using like, as, resembles, looked as though etc. e.g. His exam worries even after the event were as if a rat was gnawing at his brain.
Compares non-human, inanimate elements OR abstract concepts to using HUMAN qualities e.g. The building stared down at him daring him to enter OR Justice is never kindly but it is ruthlessly fair. If the qualities are not human then the comparison is a metaphor e.g. A beast of a car.
Making reference to familiar classical, biblical, historical or other well known cultural events. For example: Writers often allude to Anansi-like cunning.

Exaggerates qualities of an element or an overstatement (sometimes for comedic effect). For Example: I am so hungry I could eat a cow.
Uses repetition of either words, phrases or even a whole sentence. For Example: What if I do not make it, what if I cannot pass, what if I fail?
Alliteration – The repetition of initial consonant sounds –barely blowing by
Assonance – The repetition of similar vowel sounds- grows below grounds
Onomatopoeia - the word sounds like the sound- the hooting of the owls, the drip of water.

Language and 'a language'

Difference between 'Language' and 'a language'
Language refers to a system of communication unique to human beings that makes use of written and vocal symbols. A language, on the other hand is a subcategory of this type of communication peculiar to a particular people, region, geographical region or socio-political background. For example, Creole languages are largely spoken in the Caribbean and Hindi largely spoken in India.
 In other words Language refers to the system of human communication and is a more general term than a language which is a given variety spoken by a given speech community (read country). The distinction is usually made by capitalizing the 'L' of the more general term.
Creole as a Languages
Creoles are considered languages as they meet the general requirements of a language. They are:
1. Human
2. Systematic
3. Complex
4. Symbolic
5. Evolutionary/Maturational
6. Arbitrary (In their assignment of meaning to symbols)
Characteristics of Creole Languages: Jamaican Creole & Standard English
*Lexifier language: Language from which the majority of lexical (vocabulary) items are derived.
Creoles vary from their Lexifier (European) languages in many ways. Some of those aspects are listed below:
1. Grammar
Creoles make use of unmarked or bare nouns, verbs and pronouns. Inflection is usually indicated by use of a particle. Examples:
                    English                                 Jamaican Creole
Bare Noun:  Boy+s (pl)                            Boy dem (pl)  (dem is a particle that indicates plural)
Bare Verb:   Ran (past)                            Did/Ben run (past) (Did/Ben are particles that indicate past tense)
Bare Pronoun: Its colour (possessive)     Fi it colour ('Fi' is the particle that indicates possession/ownership)
2. Sound 
Consonant Clusters
Certain sound combinations that are allowed in English are not permissible in Creole and must change in order to conform to the rules of pronunciation. For example, Creoles do not accept consonant clusters beginning words. Hence, *Sm sounds as in Smith are broken up by a vowel to produce  --> Sumith. Words with *Th sounds as in thin drop the 'h' sound to produce tin and them becomes dem etc.
In some Creoles, namely JC certain sounds are switched around. So, 'film' for example becomes flim, 'ask' becomes aks etc. This is referred to as metathesis.
3. Vocabulary
Though they get a significant portion of their lexicon (vocabulary) from European language, creoles have different words to refer to the same object/referent in English. For example, 'girl' in English is 'gyal' in JC; 'child' is 'pikni' and 'eat' is 'nyam' etc.
4. Semantics
Words in English take on different or additional meaning in Creole. This is seen clearly in the naming of Jamaican body parts. For example, foot in JC is used to refer to the entire leg, calf, ankle and foot in English. Jc does not make those above mentioned distinctions in English. In JC 'tears' are referred to as 'eye water', Trinidad refers to the fruit 'guinep' as 'chenet' and the list goes on...

Conclusion: Creole as a language is human, complex, symbolic etc, in its own merit. What other examples of differences between Creole and Lexifier can you identify?

Primary Data Collection Methods

Primary Data: Data collected firsthand by researcher
Secondary data: Data retrieved from books, journals etc
These are a collection of questions that the respondents complete on their own. They are used when factual information is required. When opinions are required an opinionnaire is used. This is constructed in a similar manner as a questionnaire. A questionnaire is used with all research designs. There are approximately three ways in which a questionnaire can be administered:
  1. Personally
  2. Via the telephone
  3. Via the mail
These can either be structured or unstructured. They comprise a group of questions administered to the respondent face to face. The structured interviews comprise a set of precisely formulated questions, which are asked of a respondent. The unstructured interviews allow the respondent to respond to a stimulus question. It is very informal and allows for the respondent to speak for as long as he/she wants. These are used in qualitative research and case studies, but can be useful in surveys especially social
Observation is the systematic noting and recording of events, behaviors, and artifacts (objects) in the social setting chosen for study. The observational record is frequently referred to as field notes - detailed, nonjudgmental, concrete descriptions of what has been observed. For studies relying exclusively on observation, the researcher makes no special effort to have a particular role in the setting; to be tolerated as an unobtrusive observer is enough. Observation can range from a highly structured, detailed notation of behavior structured by checklists to a moreholistic description of events and behavior.
These are used to measure attitudes, beliefs and opinions of a respondent. They can be used with all types of research, but more specifically with surveys and action research.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Research Instruments
Research Instrument is designed specifically to collect data to provide answers for a given research question.
§  Facilitates data collection of large population
§  Less time consuming than other methods
§  Allows for anonymous responses
§ Is easily administered
  • Not very economical (paper expenses etc)
  • Does not allow for probing responses
  • Responses can be misleading (especially if researchers are not around to clarify)
  • Limitations posed by the literacy of the respondents
  • Provides in-depth information
  • Allows the researcher more flexibility
  • Can yield a high volume of data
  •  May result in unnecessary information
  •  Can be affected by researcher's biases
  •  Can be time consuming
  • Data collection is heavily dependent on the respondent’s schedule
  • The respondent’s memory can be poor, yielding inaccurate information.
  • Facilitates the collection of primary data
  • Comparatively lessens respondents bias and possible interference
  • It can yield a high volume of data
  • It allows for researcher flexibility
  • Can be affected by researcher's bias
  • Reactions of the respondents may be misinterpreted
  • Important and relevant data may be missed as chosen times of observation may not be    appropriate or even significant
  • May be affected by Observer’s Paradox where the person being observed exhibits behaviour they feel is expected.

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